From the outside your chimney may look just fine, but inside there could be a different story
Most homeowners do not really think about their chimneys and the safety issues and trouble they can cause. Your chimney is exposed to the elements and over time condensation can migrate through the chimney and overtime weaken and deteriorate the lining. A damaged chimney that is cracked or broken can lead to carbon monoxide leakage.
Our friends at A-1 Affordable Chimney Specialists came out to talk to the Boyle Energy technicians about what they can look for when working on heating systems. Our technicians always inspect and clean the base of the chimney and test for abnormal carbon monoxide levels. It is always great though to have an expert come and do a thorough inspection of your chimney since there are places that our technicians cannot see.
Thanks to A-1 for coming in, we always appreciate a refresher from the experts so our technicians can spot issues that could develop for homeowners.